Monday, September 28, 2015

Carly Fionia: The Pro-Torture Candidate

Carly Fiorina has swallowed and is parroting the pro-torture caucus line that torturing people works.

Oh, and she's also pro-NSA.

Shit, if we're going to elect a Californian who is pro-torture and pro-NSA, why not just elect DiFi? At least that way, there'll be somebody who understands a little bit about how the legislative process works.


  1. she sort of said "it was only a little torture." Sort of like being a little pregnant, eh ?

  2. More like "being raped a little bit."

  3. Do you suppose that stage collapse was divine retribution for bearing false witness on such a massive scale? Me neither, but it's kinda fun to think about.

    -Doug in Oakland


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