Saturday, September 19, 2015

Arrr, Me Hearties! Today be the 19th of Septemberrrr. Arrrr.

Today is Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Why Sept 19th? That's the birthday of the ex-wife of one of the founders. The day took off when Dave Barry wrote about it.

Talk Like a Pirate Day is now a religious holiday, for those who are members of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

To corporations, every day is Talk Like a Pirate Day. For companies large and small, old and new, all seem to believe that the law doesn't apply to them.

The latest, of course, is Uber, a company that believes that wage-and-hour laws and laws regulating for-hire vehicles and their drivers don't apply to them. Because they're a corporation, or they use the internet.

Presumably Uber can't just go out and start killing people. But there doesn't seem to be anything in their logic that says they can't.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link. It will be a long cold day in Death Valley before I take an Uber car. People talk as if I am "stifling competition" when I point out that cabbies have to pass DOT physicals and drug tests but Uber "independent contractors" don't.


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