Thursday, May 28, 2015

Kindle SF Deal Today Only on the "Frontlines" Books

The first two books by Marko Kloos are on sale today for a skosh under two bucks.

That's cheaper than a cup of the overpriced burnt swill from a certain Seattle coffee shop named after a fictional whaler.

If you like good old hard SF "space kablooie" novels, these are well worth full price.


  1. I'm on the third one now. I've always like goof SF and Marko is up there. Nothing like a good shoot-em-up.

  2. Not entirely fictional... Melville's character was named for the very real Starbuck family who were players in the whaling industry for two centuries. If you visit Nantucket today, you can see a cluster of houses that served as their family compound for a time.

  3. Bob,

    Put down the third one, right now, and go download the two short stories by Marko. Both will provide some good background for the third book.

  4. I'm still waiting for book four... it's been a while since book three.


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