Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Your Wednesday Wednesday


  1. Looks like Adult Wednesday is off the tube for the time being...

  2. Some people have no goddamn sense of humor.

  3. copyright iza disaster... some shut-in folks from my town like to watch video I shoot dashcam-style of their old hometown, so I filmed their former residential areas n put it up on youtube... google/youtube promptly went apeshit n sent me a notice citing every damn chuck of music my car radio [tuned to a classic public radio station] played, in sequence, by artist, by composer, by name of composition... within minutes of me uploading it... hadda pull the vids, scrub the sound track and stuff in an elevator music track cuz just deadair is deadly

  4. !?!?!?! Not all Adult Wednesday is off the tube, at least not yet.


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