Friday, April 3, 2015

Waffle House; GOP's Religion-Based, Pro-Bigotry Legislation

Indiana and Arkansas backed off their "We Don't Serve Yer Kind" laws. If the AP report has it right, the Indiana law would cut the ground out from the Pizza House of Homophobes.

First off, who the hell has ever seen a gay wedding that was catered by a pizza joint? Anyone?

Second, the Homophobic Pizza House did a nice job of trolling the Christian Taliban, by cashing out with a half-million dollar payday. See, normally, a business like that has to have a convenient fire in order to take the money and run.

Probably goes without saying that the Christian Taliban is now feeling like the true victim in all of this. Which seems to be their default position. 70+% of Americans identify as Christian, but the zealots of the Church of the Dead God love to find every possible excuse to cry that they're being martyred.

Then there is Jeb Bush, a political weathervane. He was one of the GOP politicos who supported discriminatory laws, until he saw how unpopular they really are.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure what to make of this unintended fallout of Indiana's law:


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