Friday, April 24, 2015

The Deal to Make the Worst Giant Company in America Falls Through.

The Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger is off.

If there are companies that have worse customer service than those birds, I don't know who they are. Combining the two would have crated a mega-corporation with all of the likeability of the Giftgas Division of IG Farben.*

The merger would have created a company where the working premise of customer service would have been "fuck all y'all", an Americanized version of the HK motto.**
* "At IG Farben, we don't make the gas chambers. We make the gas." (Because BASF was one of the spinoffs after the war.)
** "Because you suck. And we hate you."

1 comment:

  1. This is good news.

    I had some direct exposure to Comcast's questionable practices 30+ years when Brian's dad Ralph was running it. There is no doubt in my mind that Comcast will, if given the opportunity, behave quite poorly.


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