Thursday, April 2, 2015

Moderation in All Things, People

Including drinking iced tea.
Doctors traced an Arkansas man’s kidney failure to an unusual cause — his habit of drinking a gallon of iced tea each day.

They ruled out several potential causes before stumbling on a reason for the 56-year-old man’s kidney problems. He said he drank about 16 8-ounce cups of iced tea every day. Black tea has a chemical known to cause kidney stones or even kidney failure in excessive amounts
Almost everything is bad for you when taken to excess. Even breathing.


  1. I give up. They want me to quit smoking, drinking (I have), drinking coffee and now they are after my ice tea? Jesus wept.

  2. I remember being stunned to learn that the urology business is seasonal.

    Oh, and if you want a piece of jewelry based on a stone retrieval basket, I did one of those:

  3. Beautiful but frightening, Nan.

  4. Baskets are scary...laser ablation was my choice...knock me out...Star Wars the stones into tiny bits...I wake back up and get given a sheet that says I'm stone free and can work again, Ms. Flight Surgeon.


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