Tuesday, April 28, 2015

But, But, I'd Bring the S'Mores!

A threat was made by a state lawmaker, saying if he were not Christian he would light himself on fire. ... "If I were not a Christian, and didn’t have a prohibition against suicide, I’d walk across the street and douse myself in gasoline and set myself on fire!” Rep. Kevin Calvey said during a heated debate at the Capitol.
Yeah, and if his wife had wheels, she'd be a wagon.

Fucking meaningless threats from a gutless creep.

Oh and Hyperboil McScaredyPants was reacting to a bill that would, get this, raise the pay of state judges.

Go ahead and do it, you mouthy coward. You're just another Christianist wingnut: All hat, no cattle.


  1. So he'd kill himself except that he's afraid of what Jesus will do to him if he does? Seriously?

    Is he really depressed, or is this a terrible strawman filled with red herring?

  2. Now he's infringing on MY religious freedom...

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. This person needs some psychiatric help right away or go back to grade school. Adults don't threaten with self harm.


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