Saturday, April 11, 2015

Another Day, Another Police Outrage

This time, some cops in California last Friday took it upon themselves to mete out a little bit of private justice once the perp was in custody and handcuffed.

Their problem was that a news helo was overhead. News helicopters in southern California are almost ubiquitous, so they may not have even paid attention. The camera crew captured the beating.

How much longer are we willing to put up with this shit, people?


UPDATE: The cops involved are on mandatory paid vacation and the Feebies are looking into it. Because of course the local department can be trusted to impartially investigate itself, right?


  1. And then again, this isn't murder, it's a lesson not to make the cops chase you down.......

    Bet he doesn't do that again.

  2. At least the horse was kind enough to kick one of them...

  3. More of a problem for the police as the guy they are beating was Anglo.

  4. B, great. So it's OK for the cops to mete out a little bit of "street justice", as long as, what? Nobody dies? No serious injuries?

    I say "bullshit". Dispensing justice is for the courts. Every one of those fuckers should be charged (and fired).

  5. Fired, charged, tarred, feathered. And they wonder why people (not just minorities) are starting to see cops as how East Germans saw the Stasi.

  6. Video was blocked, but it's WRONG... period...

  7. Oh, I never said it was ok. But it's been happening as long as there have been cops.

    Not like this is something new...

  8. Dang Comrade,

    I agree with this comment

    "Every one of those fuckers should be charged (and fired)."

    This shit has got to stop!

    love you too!!!



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