Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Ted Cruz: Enrolling In Obamacare

His wife works for the Global Vampire Squid, but she has to take a leave of absence while he pursues his plan to become eligible for higher speaking fees. Her job at Pillage & Plunder Associates provided health insurance, but now Cruz has to do that himself.

So he's signing up for Obamacare.

Let's check the meters:

Oh, man....


  1. And so Cruz joins the "pro-lifers" whose relatives need abortions and unemployed "conservatives" on food stamps.

    And once the necessity for having to use the program is gone, he will again be vocally opposed to it. Because "principles."

    Conservatism is not a mental illness, but it plays one in the media.

  2. Maybe he truly is a natural-born Commie.

  3. So, this begs a few questions:

    1) Who had 2 days for how long it would take Ted Cruz's campaign to self-destruct?

    2) If King vs Burwell comes back making non-state exchanges ineligible for subsidies, will D.C. Health Link (the portal designated to be used by Congress and high-level Congressional employees) lose subsidies because it isn's "state" run.

    3) Just how hypocritical can you get, "follow the letter of the law".

  4. I can't foresee any circumstances where I'd vote for Cruz...but I don't see a problem here. I'm against the mortgage deduction, but don't consider it immoral or hypocritical that I take it.

  5. Comrade Misfit said...
    "Maybe he truly is a natural-born Commie."

    Well, his daddy fought with Fidel Castro in the Cuban Revolution.

  6. How do we know that he wasn't born in Cuba and then hustled onto a plane to Canada to then file a birth certificate?

    Strange things have happened-- witness Palin's alleged pregnancy in 2008.


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