Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Shorter FBI: "We Must Spy on More Americans!"

That's the gist of an internal FBI review: They need to do more spying on us. Among of what the FBI is going to do is to take a leaf from the KGB's old manual and engage in "false-flag" operations.

They're supposed to go interview more people and not disclose that the interviewers are Feebies. So that polite guy conducting a survey on the phone or that Mormon going door-to-door could be an FBI agent.

If you're a law-abiding Muslim, a law-abiding prepper, or a teabagger, you may have something to fear from the FBI. For "violent extremeism" isn't necessarily tied to any one religion.

1 comment:

  1. Will it be regarded as a crime if you lie to that phone caller or that Mormon if they don't declare themselves as FBI?


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