Saturday, March 7, 2015

One GOPer's Solution to Homelessness

Sic wolves on them. Rep. Don Young (R-Palinland) was ranting about Federal protection for wolves, complaining that those Congressmen who are in favor of protection don't have wolves in their districts, when he dropped this nugget:
“How many of you have got wolves in your district? None. None. Not one. They haven’t got a damn wolf in their whole district. I’d like to introduce them in your district. If I introduced them in your district, you wouldn’t have a homeless problem anymore.”
Now, of course, his spokeweasel claims it was just hyperbole.



  1. How long must wolves continue to suffer the libel that they prey on humans? Everyone knows that the homeless have more to fear from Rep. Don Young (R-Igotmine) than from any member of Canis lupus

  2. OK, first of all, there are over 1,000 wolves in Idaho and Montana since the success of the reintroduction program, and second they have arrested the deterioration of Yellowstone by reducing the size of the elk herds there. In other words, unlike Don Young, they serve a purpose in nature.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. If we're going to start siccing wolves on useless people who never do anything, why don't we start with a joint session of Congress, with Don Young in attendance?

    BTW, there have been two (2) confirmed fatal wolf attacks upon humans in the past half century. Wolves just don't like humans much, and stay away from them, unlike mountain lions, which will take down a child just fine if they see a child toddling about.


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