Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Save the Date: May 8th, 2015

If you can get to the vicinity of downtown D.C., you might want to make the trip.

For there is going to be one hell of a flyover of American WW2 aircraft.


  1. An impressive line up. Left me musing on a couple of excluded types and doing some quick checks...I knew there is a P-61 nearing flying status, but it's still a prop and a bit away. The other thought was the long derided F2A, Brewster Buffalo.

    A quick check confirmed no flying, or really even complete, examples left. Too bad, the Finns hurt the Russians pretty badly with them and they did participate at Midway.

    Of course, that led me further down the rat hole as I noodled around listings of the Martin B-10 and the Vultee Valiant BT-13 (known as the "Vibrator").

  2. I had only heard of the SB2U being called the "Vibrator"


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