Saturday, February 21, 2015

All Along the Watchtower:
Jehovah's Witnesses' Turn at It; Pedophile Edition

The Jehovah's Witnesses have (allegedly) been busily sweeping child abuse under the carpet, using the First Amendment as a shield against being held accountable. They have arrogated to themselves the decision as to whether or not somebody who has raped a child is a problem:
“Not every individual who has sexually abused a child in the past is considered a ‘predator.’ The (Watchtower), not the local body of elders, determines whether an individual who has sexually abused children in the past will be considered a ‘predator.’ ”
The Witnesses won't take action against a kiddie-fucker unless there was somebody else who saw the abuse. So if a kid tells his or her parents that Elder Buttmunch molested the kid, nothing will ever happen to Buttmunch so long as Buttmunch ensures that nobody else ever sees him raping kids.

There would seem to be much evil hiding behind the guise of organized religion. Keep that in mind when they come to your door.

1 comment:

  1. Another reason why I always try to answer the door naked. It just simplifies the communication...


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