Monday, December 29, 2014

Stay Classy, Ferguson

A Ferguson Police Department public relations officer has been put on administrative leave over his response to the destruction of a memorial to Michael Brown, the teenager who was fatally shot by a police officer.

The memorial included signs in the middle of a street near the Canfield Green apartment complex where Brown was shot. Photos on social media showed the mementos scattered, and they appeared to have been run over by a vehicle.

“I don’t know that a crime has occurred,” Officer Timothy Zoll said Friday in an interview with The Washington Post. “But a pile of trash in the middle of the street? The Washington Post is making a call over this?”
Running his mouth wasn't what got him in trouble, though:
The department said in a statement Saturday that Zoll misled his superiors about the contents of the interview, that he had been placed on unpaid leave, effective immediately, and that there would be disciplinary proceedings.
No surprise here: The Ferguson Po-Po immediately backed Zoll, at least before they did an investigation and found out that he had lied to his bosses.

"Pile of trash"... here's a test: Go and tear down a makeshift memorial to a dead cop and see what happens to you. They'll at least charge you with littering, after you fall up a flight of stairs at the cop shop.

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