Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Keep In Mind That Dubya and Willard Both Went to Harvard Business School

So it won't surprise you to learn that one of the professors of that school set a new mark for dickishness when he thought he was overcharged $4 for an order of Chinese takeout.

Seriously. The guy actually threatened legal action and filing consumer complaints.

Note that the prof also graduated from Harvard Law School. So he's got a double-barreled certificate in being a dick.

Said dick regards himself as the "sheriff of the Internet".

And, after being shamed all around the Internet, said dick now says he's sorry for threatening to sue the pants off the restaurant's owners.

Yeah, I just bet that he is.

UPDATE: The Dick did it before.

1 comment:

  1. Harvard? *spit*

    They invented the MBA. That in itself is enough to brand them indelibly and eternally as the University That Destroyed America.


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