Sunday, November 16, 2014

Your Sunday Morning Jet Noise

I was trying to find a video of a Hansa HB 320, but the only ones I can find are of a derelict being moved by truck.

So here's a A380 departing in winter.


  1. Qantas 8, DFW to Sydney was climbing out last week. Took him till ABI to break FL230, so the controller asked his weight, out of interest. The pilot said about 560,000 kilos, paused, and said that's about 1.2 million U.S.

    Couple of thoughts:

    1) Damn, that's a lot of weight on those wings!

    2) It's amusing that the pilot interpreted the silence in response to his 560k kg answer correctly. The controller DIDN'T remember the basic 1 kg = 2.2 lb. conversion.

    3) Next time Lufthansa's "Super" comes through going to Houston, I'm gonna look a little more closely at his profile compared to all the little RJ's I've got buzzing around. Crossing one of the little guys too close behind that monster is probably gonna get a bit bouncy. Especially since the B-737-800's that American is flying are generating complaints about getting bounced around by other jets climbing (or crossing) behind them.

  2. Crossing the wake turbulence of that monster COULD knock a Lear or smaller jet out of the sky...


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