Thursday, November 6, 2014

Where Will Scott Brown Move Next?

Vermont, New York and Connecticut all have Democrats defending Senate seats next election. New York might be tough, but Bobby Kennedy (MA), James Buckley (CT) and Hillary Clinton (AR) were all elected to the Senate from New York.

Savvy realtors in those states might want to reach out to him. He might be in the market for buying a new house.


  1. He was born in Maine, although he thought it was NH. When is that seat up?

  2. Maine's next Senate election is 2018. Angus King is defending. Susan Collins won re-election this year after fending off a write-in primary challenge from some Teatard who was once convicted of beating his wife (I'm not joking).

  3. King would make it 3 for 3. I'm sure Sen. McDreamy will come to realize that he can make money lying on TV.


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