Saturday, November 29, 2014

What You Never See in a Vampire Movie (With an Update)

A water-bomber to soak the legions of the undead with holy water.

It'd only take a few minutes to bless the water in the airplane's tank.

And then "bombs away" on the undead.

Based on this, a story about such a fight.


  1. And here I thought holy water was a rare and precious commodity.

  2. Charles, it's just regular water that has been consecrated by a short blessing. You'd have to have a priest or minister as part of the crew. No reason why they couldn't bless a large tank of the stuff.

    BP, it started out with my wondering why one never sees the vampire-fighters using a Super-Soaker in a fight. Then I thought, why think small?

  3. So how difficult to consecrate a reservoir? And how far will the consecration proceed down the pipes from the reservoir into the distribution system? Bless the lake and open the hydrants?

  4. Oh sure, just add to the list of things that don't make sense in a vampire movie!


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