Thursday, November 13, 2014

C'mon People, You Know How Hard It Is to Re-Mark Those Expiration Dates??*

Wal-Mart is trying to crack down on boosting grocery sales.

The underlying issue is that Wal-Mart apparently would need to hire nearly a quarter of a million more workers in order to have enough people on the floor to do what needs to be done.

Or they could pay them more. I keep hearing stories that whenever a new big-box store opens in a town, one can almost count on the first people showing up at the hiring fair to be current employees of Wal-Mart.
* There was a sitcom back in the `80s that was set, in part, in an office. A vendor would come by periodically, selling snacks from a small pushcart. At one point, the vendor tells people that they need to buy the wares "because I'll have to re-stamp those sell-by dates."

I don't remember the series, but somebody will. I have faith in you, Gentle Readers.


  1. Here in Germany, (big) stores GIVE just-expired food to the Tables (=organisations which distribute free food to the needy).

    Just sayin'

  2. Some stores here also do that. But "charity" and "Wal-Mart" aren't often spoken in the same breath.

  3. barney miller?

  4. Two problems with giving it away:

    Laws in many places forbid the sale or gift of out of date products.

    The other problem is liability. In giving it to charity, they are no longer in control of it up to the point of possession by the end consumer. IIRC, stores still end up being held accountable for the quality of the food, according to court precedent.

    One or the other is going to keep it from happening, until the legal profession allows it. It annoys me to see this situation, but I can't blame the companies.


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