Thursday, November 20, 2014

Can Microsoft Become Even More Evil?

They're working on it. They've deployed the first generation Dalek:
Microsoft has become one of the first companies to deploy autonomous robot security guards.
I respectfully submit that anyone who doesn't believe that these things won't eventually be outfitted with weapons is seriously delusional.

I would not at all be surprised to learn that the wifi network that these things connect to is named SkyNet. Because Microsoft is that frigging tone-deaf.



  1. "K5 isn’t just for catching criminals, either: If you find yourself in trouble/danger, there’s also a button on the top of the robot that summons help from HQ"

    I imagine that getting close enough to push the button will deafen you, eh ?

  2. It'll be a touchy thing when they have to tell programmers to program in the racism that's so necessary to our social order.

    And there will have to be committees to place the lethal/non-lethal line on the color bar...

  3. It looks like you're trying to patrol the perimeter. Would you like me to:

    o Go weapons hot?

    o Load the .NET SAFETY_OVERRIDE module?

    o Invoke a Blue Screen Of Death?

  4. OK, where's the plunger?

  5. The plunger comes with the weaponry.


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