Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Unhinged; Ebola Edition

Phyllis Schlafly is alleging that the Obama Administration is deliberately allowing Ebola and other diseases in so that the U.S. will be more like Africa.

The nice men who wear white uniforms need to take the poor dear back to her comfy padded room, bless her heart.


  1. Well, she's closer than she thinks. In truth Obama had the CIA modify Ebola in their secret island labs so that it only kills Republicans doncha know. ;-)

  2. Bless her heart. If you don't know the South, you should understand that this can mean anything from what you might at first think to "I want to rip out your guts and dance on them"

  3. Oh hell the people who say this crap don't believe it, well most of the top tier anyway. They just say this stuff because they know that they can stay in the news and it keeps the contributions flowing. Well also they know the true believers have the brains of an amoeba.


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