Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Shorter GOP: "Elections Are Only Free and Fair If We Win."

The fact that Barack Obama shellacked his opponents in the presidential elections of 2008 and 2012 seems to make no difference to Republicans, who would rather that this nation complete its descent into a Third World hellhole, complete with military coups:
“I have a question for all my friends who have served or are currently serving in our military … having not put on a uniform nor taken any type military oath, there has to be something that I am just not aware of. But I cannot and do not understand why no action is being taken against our domestic enemy. I know he is supposedly the commander in chief, but the Constitution gives you the authority. What am I missing? Thank you for your bravery and may God keep you safe,” [Jefferson County, MO, Recorder of Deeds Debbie] Dunnegan said in her post from early last week.
There is no "misunderstanding" about what Dunnegan said, regardless of how she might want to spin it. She called for a military coup. Because her preferred candidates lost, she'd rather throw away 238 years of democracy and install a military dictatorship.

Dunnegan should get a fucking clue about a few things. One is that military dictatorships are uniformly hostile to the freedoms outlined in the First and Second Amendments, not to mention the Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Eighth Amendments.

I would suggest to the voters of Jefferson County that they elect whomsoever is running against Dunnegan in the election next month. For she has proven herself to be unfit to hold elective office in a democracy.

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