Monday, September 15, 2014

Doesn't Your School District Have a SWAT Team?

At least one does in Texas. Because responding to a burglary alarm at 3 AM takes a full SWAT rollout in Texas.

Time was that a burglary alarm going off at 3AM would get two cops armed with Smith Model 10s or Colt Official Police revolvers. But that was back in the days of real coppers, not paramilitary wannabees.

The LA School District cops also got them a MRAP and they have grenade launchers. In case they want to frag the little bastards from a distance.


  1. Dear God, Captain Bill "One Riot, One Ranger" McDonald is rolling over in his grave right now.

  2. What are they planning to *do* with those grenade launchers? Perhaps the same thing the cops are planning to do with thousands of bayonets?

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. My grandfather stopped a bank robbery single-handed, and arrested the five men. I'd put him, his service revolver, and his integrity up against any police department in the nation.


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