Friday, September 12, 2014

Doesn't Every School System Need a Tank?

Hey, kiddies! Your teachers have a tank! So behave!
The San Diego Unified School District Police Department has acquired its own vehicle, known as a MRAP, and expect it to be operational by October.
San Diego thinks they can use it in an emergency. They seem to think they can use it in an earthquake, because it can pull down a wall, but what good is that? They'd have a structurally-compromised building and then Barney Fife is going to start to yank down walls? Without any knowledge of structural engineering?

Are they smoking crack?

The San Diego School Police are trying to calm everyone down. "It's not a tank!"" "We'll paint a big Red Cross on it!" "We'll have teddy bears inside!"

Bullshit. You don't need an armored infantry fighting vehicle to deliver medical supplies and teddy bears. A truck would do the job, or a fucking ambulance. And painting it white and slapping on a Red Cross doesn't make it any less militarized.

For if that was the case, this gun would be legal to buy in California:


  1. I suspect glamguns is missing the boat if they haven't started a line of guns in SEC school colors...then maybe Big 10 and Big 12...

  2. If there's a silver lining to this stupidity, it's that nonsense like this is finally making the news and getting publicity. Maybe schools -- and municipalities -- will notice the public pressure and realize that vehicles like this belong in war zones.

    I am sick and tired of school districts that don't have enough money for things like books and teachers and repairing the roof somehow manage to come up with a maintenance budget for a military vehicle full of teddy bears with a red cross painted on the side!

  3. When I was a kid in Berkeley during the 'protests',they had Tanks, Real Tanks, on loan from the Guard but they kept them out of sight down by the waterfront. Of course the cops knew how to use a Baton back then too.
    Schools have their own now? No way not even a mini tank.

  4. The only possible justifiable use of an armored vehicle I can think of would be a situation like Columbine. Even then, shouldn't the real police be called? Maybe because I went to Catholic school, but I don't remember having school police when I was a kid. The biggest threat was Sister Maria Thomas with her yardstick.


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