Thursday, August 14, 2014

"We'll Decide What is Peaceful".

The cops in Ferguson declared that they weren't infringing on anyone's right to peaceably assemble and protest, then they opened fire with tear gas on people who were peacefully protesting. The cops have arrogated to themselves the right to decide your constitutional rights, at least in Ferguson, Missouri.

Well, BadTux is probably right. Those weren't cops. They've become soldiers. The protestors are probably lucky that those soldiers aren't opening fire with machine guns.

UPDATE: This article argues that our soldiers are better trained to deal with civilian protest than the cops, for, by the Army Field Manual, the cops in Ferguson have been doing it all wrong. So the cops haven't become soldiers, no, they've become paramilitary goons.


  1. ...and the governor has sent the soldiers home on leave and put the Highway Patrol in charge. This is a serious whack upside some overinflated heads.

    Good show.

  2. Sorry Deadstick, they are not soldiers. They are TOY soldiers.

    Yours crankily,
    The New York Crank


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