Sunday, August 10, 2014

Iraq War, Part the Manyth

Barack Obama has committed the US to long-term involvement in Iraq, warning that the rapidly evolving crisis in the north would not be solved quickly.
Can we stop the "humanitarian mission" gobbledygook and be honest about one thing? It's a fucking war. We're dropping bombs on people.

There may be good reasons to do this. ISIS is particularly thuggish, considering that they're an unholy creation of the Wahabbists who have funded ISIS and the Syrians, who connived in its survival. They gained a hell of a lot of ground in Iraq because the Maliki government turned the military into a political toy, where sectarian loyalty was valued over competence.

ISIS has a track record of murdering people over religious differences. The refugees surrounded by ISIS and stranded on Mount Sinjar need help if there is not to be a mass slaughter of civilians by those goons.

But even though this may be a politically incorrect simile to make, Iraq has become an American tarbaby. We are never going to be free of involvement there.


  1. Why are the last nazi war criminals, like Alois Bruner, hiding in Syria? Nesselrode sent Porphy Uspensky to de-Hellenize the Antiochians which led to Michel Aflaq founding the Nazi Ba’ath party which is why ras-Putin hid Saddam’s WMD in Syria! Ohlig & Puim show Islamic extremism came from Syriac miaphysates, products of Chrysustolm trying to consummate the Channukah crimes of his Seleucid forefathers. (“Questioning is the subversion of faith” Homily I on I Timothy I- Such was the dark mind that led Justinian to abolish the universities and Olympics and bring on the plagues.) Ochrafuxy is the mother of Islam and bolshevism because they reject Aristotle in favor of Plato. We need a Christian Samaritania buffer state surrounding Israel. Just as we neutralized Greece during the Crimean and Cold wars, we need to give the Balkans back to the aboriginal Albanian Pelasgians to prevent soviet access to the straits. Iran and North Korea both share borders with Russia and are ras-Putin’s ploy to raise oil prices which is why we must fearlessly pursue the therminucular rapture against the magog’s attempt to destabilize the Saudis.

  2. Okaaay.

    (in "backing slowly the fuck away" mode)

  3. Once again proving why one should never type a response while drunk.

  4. Seems that the first commenter wasn't drunk. It's a canned response, as you can see here, where the exact same comment was left early last year..


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