Friday, August 15, 2014

Guess Them New Glasses Didn't Help Him Much

Texas governor Rick Perry has been indicted for abuse of power after carrying out a threat to veto funding for state public corruption prosecutors.

The potential Republican candidate for president in 2016 is accused of abusing his official powers by publicly promising to veto $7.5m for the state public integrity unit at the Travis County district attorney’s office.

He was indicted by an Austin grand jury on Friday on felony counts of abuse of official capacity and coercion of a public servant. Maximum punishment on the first charge is five to 99 years in prison. The second is two to 10 years.
It's not the first time that something like this has happened in Texas. The last governor who was indicted did much the same thing.
The indictment of Perry is the first of its kind since 1917, when James "Pa" Ferguson was indicted on charges stemming from his veto of state funding to the University of Texas in an effort to unseat faculty and staff members he objected to. Ferguson was eventually impeached, then resigned before being convicted.
There is still over a year for Perry to beat the rap and then run for President. I'm looking forward to seeing the booking photo.

On another note, I kind of wish that ol' Barry would play some hardball.


  1. According to Molly Ivins, Ma Ferguson wasn't much better...

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Golf involves a hard ball, yes? I know, it's a cheap shot....


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