Friday, July 4, 2014

Unpatriotic Motherfuckers

Every swinging business that is open today and which doesn't absolutely have to be open.


  1. How do you define "has to be open"?

    IF most closed, their customers would bitch loudly.

    A better complaint would be all those who patronize the businesses that are open.

    Would you have gas stations along the highway and motels and roadside restaurants close? THen many people would not be able to visit friends and family to celebrate the fourth....

    Airports? Airlines?

    Where do you draw the line?

  2. I do believe you are getting closer and closer to being an honorary Vulgar Curmudgeon my dear.

    Good job.

    May you have a bit of peace and tranquility on this anniversary.

  3. You define it with what was once called "common sense", but which isn't all that common.

    Hair salons, department stores, hardware stores, grocery stores: Closed.

    Gas stations: Open.

    Public transit: Open. Private transit, up to the discretion of the owners.

  4. I have one for you: couple of hours ago an AT&T guy showed up to do some work on our addition. It was scheduled for Monday, but he came by today.

    Not a repair. It was to clean up a temporary job another AT&T guy did over a month ago. Last time my landline was actually down, it took them almost a week to come by.

    Today? That's a real WTF?? They should be off. Emergencies only.


  5. "Hair salons, department stores, hardware stores, grocery stores: Closed.

    Gas stations: Open.

    Public transit: Open. Private transit, up to the discretion of the owners."

    Gas stations are ok, but Hardware stores aren't? Why? Grocery Stores no....what about pharmacies?

    Who defines what is legal to be open then?

    Why then are government offices closed, but public transport still running? How about cabs?

    You statement, while well meaning (and I DO understand the sentiment) is poorly thought out.

    What is critical for some isn't for others. And why should YOU have the option to decide for private businesses whether they can be open open this holiday. Who elected you to be diktator?

    If yer gonna close grocery stores and hardware stores, why not gas stations? How about conveneince stores? Pizza delivery? What is critical and what isn't?

    THe thing YOU fail to realize is that with freedom comes what you or I might consider bad behavior. And you have to deal with it.

  6. I just consider the multitude of open businesses a symbol for the change in the American business world. As we move to more and more heavily Service oriented economy, there are incentives to stay open (Thanksgiving has just rolled over, Christmas is next). In the Services, money is made by being Manufacturing, money is made by selling inventory. You can sell extra units the day after or before a holiday pretty easily, and the need for any given unit is not usually urgent. In a Service business, if you're closed, your competitior gets the sale and maybe the customer.

    Pretty soon, everything will be open almost all the time.

  7. Paragons of patriotism, and leaders by example, that they are, the banks and Wall Street were closed...

  8. B, and having respect for this country counts for nothing? I guess not, what with the "Memorial Day Sales" and "Veterans Day Sales" and so on.


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