Friday, July 11, 2014

The First Step in Creating an Army of the Undead

That would be to send them draft notices.
[T]he Selective Service System mistakenly sent notices to more than 14,000 Pennsylvania men born between 1893 and 1897, ordering them to register for the nation's military draft
Because the zombies aren't going to volunteer.


  1. I love to amaze people when the ask for ID and I show them my Draft Card. People don't know what they are (or were). Some people heard of them (as in burning) but that's about it anymore. The Only lottery I Ever won, the Draft Lottery. I was a 272 out of 270 or so.

  2. Would have been out of 365 or 366. I was #61, but then they stopped drafting people.

    Nice that you still have it. When I went into the service, they ordered all of us to surrender our draft cards. Who knew that they'd be a valuable keepsake?

  3. It says on the card that you're supposed to turn it in, but I wasn't asked to, and my coworkers weren't either. I asked Personnel, and they said "Sir, we don't collect those from officers, would you just destroy them?"

    So we had a little draft card burning ceremony, on USAF property, in uniform...

  4. Sounds a little like the Scandinavian woman, who at 105 years, got a letter asking why she wasn't at school.


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