Thursday, July 17, 2014

Press to MECO- Tab Clearing, Really

The keyboard on my work computer stopped working. I dug out the one that came with it, which I didn't like very much. But I had some older ones at home,so I brought this one in:

Score your geek points if you recognized it:


At a recent shooting group meeting, they played some safety videos. One guy in a video brought his pistol up in a two-hand grip so that his forearms touched his chest. Then he pushed his arms forward while hunching his back and lowering his head. When he was done, he brought his gun back to his chest.

It looked silly and, for some reason, the phrase "press to MECO" came to mind. Which has nothing to do with shooting, of course.


Let me see if I understand this: California's death penalty is unconstitutional because the Californians were not efficient enough at putting people to death? So if they had executed people like Texas does, there would have been no problem? Maybe there is a good legal rationale behind that, but it just doesn't sound right.


Not sure how I missed this one, but anyone who has paid attention to how the FBI has done business for most of its existence won't be surprised.


If Google was a real human.


  1. Any points if we still have one of the Word Perfect overlays that had the shortcuts labeled in green, red and blue? Mine is the stick type you put above the function keys, but I also remember the rectangle type too.

  2. I long ago lost the cardboard overlay for WP5, but as you can see,sorta, the colored dots for CNTL, ALT and SHIFT still survive.

  3. But yes, if you still have the overlay for your Model M, extra points.


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