Monday, June 2, 2014

The Stupid Assholes of Texas, Open Carry Edition

They think that they are doing something good for gun rights, but as noted here, they're not helping. Not a frigging bit. Cripes, even Rick Perry apparently thinks that they're idiots.

Unless they're a false-flag operation for the Bloomberg groups.

BadTux is right, open carry of rifles and shotguns makes as much sense as carrying a chainsaw into a restaurant. It goes further, of course, would you go out to dinner while carrying a 16lb sledge-hammer? After all, something might come up in the middle of the meal and you'd have to mine another three tons of #9 coal.

OC-Texas may be well-meaning. But they are about as much help as a tanker truck of gasoline at a fire.

Please, guys, I beg of you: Stay the fuck home.


  1. The good/bad news is they are genuine gun rights supporters. I have the unfortunate pleasure of knowing a few, and as Bad Tux surmised they are white and afraid they've lost "their country". The bullying behavior of the local branch is simply a byproduct of the rancor in the political discussion these days combined with entitled bullies carrying their security blankets, er, guns.

  2. I'm a gun rights supporter, but I'm not an "open carry of rifles and shotguns in built-up areas" supporter. It's just moronic.


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