But don't hold your breath. The
I've never been a fan of the 2001 "The Universe is Our Battlefield", bureaucratically named "the Authorized Use of Military Force". It is pernicious and evil. By its terms, one could argue that the Administration could have designated Clive Bundy as a terrorist, said that it was impractical to capture him, and then attacked that bunch of Nevada thugs with drones. In practical effect, it's limited to the Arabian Peninsula, Afghanistan and Somalia, for anywhere else, sending in military forces on another nation's soil would be viewed rather unfavorably.
The AUMF should be repealed. It is little more than legalizing murder. It is an embarrassment to any civilized nation.
On the other hand, a different judge thinks it's peachy for the NSA to be rooting through your emails, so long as you've sent at least one to somebody in another land.
On a different note, Eli Wallach has died.
Damned shame. I loved that scene and used the same clip over at my place.