Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Life Copies From Art, Sometimes

Thailand's military rulers said Tuesday they are monitoring a new form of silent resistance to the coup — a three-fingered salute borrowed from "The Hunger Games" — and will arrest those in large groups who ignore warnings to lower their arms.

The military rulers will, no doubt, soon ban showings of the movies.

Elites everywhere hate democracy. They hate the idea of people having an unqualified right to vote. They despise the idea of public protests. In this country, there are persistent moves to keep those people from voting- students, the elderly, and minorities. Jim Crow, at its core, was the systematic denial of the right to vote to Black people. "First Amendment Zones" by the Secret Service and other police agencies are symbols of the distain for public protests. The powerful have had little trouble getting the cops to assist in tromping over teh rights of the people.

The difference between places such as Thailand and here is that, for the most part, the military has stayed out of naked interference in politics. The day that happens will be the day that we can mark "Fin" to the American Experiment.

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