Thursday, June 26, 2014

How Bills Become Law

From health care to diet supplements, whenever corporations start ladling out the "campaign contributions", the politicials hop on board.

Here's an egregious one from Missouri, a state where the GOP-dominated legislature has never seen a tax they aren't willing to cut. Except one: Sales taxes, which they want to raise in order to fund road construction. They did that in the same session where they passed oodles of tax breaks and cuts for businesses and the wealthy. The construction industry got the sales tax raise through by the tried-and-true method of "campaign contributions" to an influential legislator.

Because "money talks" is now the overriding principle of our state and federal governments. All of those fuckers would give a tax credit to child molesters if there was enough money in it for them.

1 comment:

  1. They may not give child molesters tax breaks but they'll probably do the next best thing in the next few decades, by legislating the return of child labor (at a less-than-minimum-wagel of course, since the eight year olds will be gaining "valuable apprenticeship training.")

    There's more than one way to molest a child, and I do think the Koch brothers will try to pursue the most profitable one.

    Yours very crankily,
    The New York Crank


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