Friday, June 20, 2014

¡Hooray para el fútbol y que te den por culo!

I hope that's correct, I don't speak Spanish. I studied German for a few years in high school because I thought that we'd have to go settle their hash for a third time. I was wrong (so far).

But I digress.

In the midst of the worst economic crisis in Spain since their civil war, with rampant unemployment and collapsing real estate values, the various local governments in Spain have been pouring hundreds of millions of euros into keeping their soccer leagues propped up.

Yep. They've slashed spending on social services, but continue to pass out bushel-baskets of cash to those clowns who run around a field and kick at a fucking ball. But what the hell, the world soccer league, FIFA, is so corrupt that a Chicago pol would look at them and say: "Guys, really?"

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