Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Calvin's Final Conversation with Hobbes

If this doesn't bring a tear to your eye or a lump to your throat, then I don't even want to know you.



  1. It just bothers me that Hobbs is in a "big purse". I can't see him fitting in any purse. In cartoons with Calvin's parents, Hobbs is clearly 2-3' tall. His head is the size of Calvin's...he wouldn't fit in the purse. Otherwise, very creative.

  2. Hobbes reminds me of Schwartz - - the bear (first name Fao) that I got for my late wife's birthday 20 years ago. He was at her bedside in the NCCU when I wasn't there and, along with me, sat with her as she passed away. It isn't silly or weird to have a repository of memories or dreams. Schwartz still accompanies me on road trips. He's a fair navigaor, but doesn't say much ...... except in my mind.
    Sail on Calvin ........

  3. Great story. Thanks for sharing.


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