Monday, June 30, 2014

Blackwater's Threat to the State Dept.: "If You Investigate Us, We Will Kill You."

That is essentially what the top manager for Blackwater in Iraq, a thug named David Carroll told the State Department's chief investigator, Jean Richter and his co-worker, Donald Thomas in 2007. Mr. Richter reported the threat and Mr. Thomas corroborated it.

Embassy officials, including a goon named Ricardo Colon, the "acting regional security officer", sided with Blackwater and ordered Richter and Thomas to leave the country. Because even hinting that there would be any accountability for Blackwater's actions created what Colon called "a hostile work environment" for Blackwater.

Yep, being held accountable for war crimes is akin to being sexually harassed, if you worked for Blackwater,

The State Department, all the way up to Condoleeza Rice, did nothing. Blackwter was indeed well-protected.

Blackwater is now part of Constellis Holdings.

1 comment:

  1. It's occurred to me that we, as a country, can murder every last one of Blackwater's former and current employees. Then, we can just say Cheney ordered it.

    That will be the American get-out-of-jail-free card for the foreseeable future! Commit a terrible atrocity, blame it on Cheney, and immediately every talking head has NO CHOICE but to get on TV and start shouting it's the best idea since sliced bread.

    Even Cheney will have no choice but to take credit, if it's evil enough!


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