Monday, June 9, 2014

A Brief Message to Those Who Keep Writing About the Violent Threat of Progressives and Liberals

Executive summary: Go fuck yourself.

Seriously. For it seems that this sort of shit always emanates from the Wingnut fringe:
Hours after a man and woman killed two police officers at an east Las Vegas pizza restaurant and then gunned down another victim at a nearby Wal-Mart before killing themselves, a picture of the shooters began to emerge.

Residents at an apartment complex where it appeared the two lived together said they had a reputation for spouting racist, anti-government views, bragging about their gun collection and boasting that they’d spent time at Cliven Bundy’s ranch during a recent standoff there between armed militia members and federal government agents.
Those two miserable pieces of excrement walked into a pizza joint and capped two cops who were doing nothing more sinister than eating their meal. Then they went over to Wal-Mart and bravely shot down a man who was just passing by.

Seems that the Vegas Asswipes have a pretty lengthy history of being unhinged wackjobs.

If you're one of the types who writes about how there's a "gummint conspiracy to put us in concentration camps" and other shit like that, this is on you.

And if you really believe all of that chemtrails and similar stuff, then I beg of you, get some professional help.

Oh, and maybe DHS ought to dust off that report about the terrorist threat from right wing extremists, you know the one that the GOP freaked out over about five years ago.


  1. It seems the gentleman shot in the Walmart was an armed civilan who made the mistake of assuming the man with the gun was alone. The women shot and killed him, according to reports.

    Additional note, the suicide in the back of the store is reported as her shooting him and then herself. An interesting change from the more usual MO of the dominant male figure in a pair. I wonder if, perhaps, he was injured...or if not, the mindset of the young woman will be quite interesting.

  2. Yeah, the CCW carrier broke the first rule of SA... and died, but who knows how many he saved!

  3. Right wing, check. Tea Party, check. White Supremacist/Neonazi, check. Gadsden flag, check. Bundy Ranch, check. All these cats were missing were a birthday card from the Koch brothers and you'd have the full house of lefty boogeymen.

    Per mike vanderboegh, the couple had attempted to join the militia at the Bundy Ranch but were turned away and denied entry because of their felon status. We really dodged a bullet there. If they'd been admitted they probably would have fired upon the BLM agents and the standoff would've been a bloodbath.

  4. The irrefutable proof that liberals and progressives don't pose a threat of violence is that John Roberts is alive.

  5. @ Joe: The irrefutable proof that libertarians and Tea Partiers don't pose a threat of violence is that every scumbag politician in DC is not swinging from a lamppost.

    (And if you need more proof, research the arrest records of the Occupy protests vs. the Tea Party. Hint: it's going to end badly for your side.)


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