Friday, May 30, 2014

Gutting the Fourth Amendment, how Hard Cases Make Bad Law

In the states covered by the 7th Federal Circuit, if someone calls the cops and says "I'm worried about so-and-so", the cops can go break down that person's door, confiscate their guns (if they have any) and arrest them.

At this point, I don't see that there is very much left of the Fourth Amendment.

About the only amendment of the Bill of Rights that the courts haven't gotten around to gutting yet is the Third Amendment. But if the cops wanted to set up shop in your house, the court'd go along with it, you bet.

It was a nice Constitution while we were using it. The government, now, just pretty much treats it, in the words of George W. Bush, as "a goddamned piece of paper." Just like the Soviet Union did.

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