Monday, May 19, 2014

Capt. Renault Was More Professional Than the Aurora, CO Cops

Capt. Renault merely ordered rounding up the usual suspects.

In the search for a bank robber, the Aurora cops rounded up everybody that they could get their hands on. The cops had a description of the robber as a while male, 20s-30s, 130lbs. So they grabbed everybody: Men, women, children. The cops forced them out of their cars and handcuffed them, keeping everyone sitting on a curb for two hours. The cops searched everyone's car, just in case the bank robber was hiding in the spare tire well. Oh, the goons said they got consents for most searches, but can a person who is in handcuffs and who is told they'll be arrested if they don't consent truly be said to have voluntarily submitted?

I don't think so.

How much longer does this shit have to go on before everyone gets the idea that the cops have long ago abandoned "to protect and to serve" and now are operating in "to suppress and repress" mode?

Updated: A fine example of "suppress and repress" from Ohio (link fixed).

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