Friday, April 11, 2014

Torture Nation- Do We Have the Moral Guts to Clean Up Our Own Mess?

This is a summary of the Senate committee's findings.

Do we have the integrity to start criminal proceedings against our own torturers and enablers, or are we going to wait, like the Germans, until our resident war criminals are in their 90s? Or do like the Japanese, and pretend that it never happened?

Do we have the guts to clear this up on our own, or are we going to let other countries bring charges, assuming that the people involved are now foolish enough to travel overseas?

I'm guessing that we are going to follow the leads of Presidents Obama and Bush:


  1. I couldn't agree more about the need to act against the torturers and those who enabled them to proceed.

    Sadly, I also agree we're not likely to see any such action . . .

  2. Plutocrats don't prosecute members of their own castes if there's any way at all to avoid doing so.


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