Tuesday, April 8, 2014

"Capt. Janeway" Gets Promoted to My Short List of Celluloid Shitheads

I have a list that I call "Never See Anything That This Jackass is Associated With". It's pretty short: Mel Gibson, Robert Blake, OJ Simpson, Woody Allen and Roman Polanski.*

To that, I'm adding Kate Mulgrew:
Kate Mulgrew, who played the part of Captain Kathryn Janeway in the TV series Star Trek Voyager, has narrated a documentary which claims the Sun revolves around the Earth. The film also claims Nasa is trying to hide this fact from the public.
Outside of the point that the clown who came up with this chunk of filmed excrement is a rabid anti-Semite and and Holocaust denier, there is the little point that there is not a shred of reputable observational evidence to back up the geocentric view.

Did Mulgrew need a paycheck that badly, or did she sign a contract to narrate a piece of religious propaganda without inquiring too closely as to the subject of the film?

UPDATE: Mulgrew has stated that she was duped and that she had no idea that the "documentary" was a geocentric, Holocaust-denying piece of claptrap.
* A blatant racist, two wife-slayers and two alleged kiddie-fuckers.


  1. Not to excuse her 'flat earth society ' membership, but by way of understanding. In our house it's called "forgot your meds today". I don't know about Ms Mulgrew personally but I am daily and painfully aware of the effects of Bipolar disorder coupled with ptsd in someone close.
    I can easily tell when the meds have been "forgotten". Perhaps this would explain her leap off the cliff.
    On the other hand, didn't she learn Anything on Star Trek?

  2. File under "you gotta be kidding!".

    When people let their religious beliefs supersede common sense and education we are all the poorer.

    That kind of thinking had our ancestors stuck in the dark ages.


  3. Well, not quite.

    I saw this earlier today on tor.com (Tor, publisher of SF books) and it appears to have happened differently.

  4. She appears to have been employed for the project under false pretenses.

  5. She's not the only one: Three scientists and Actress say they were tricked into being in the film.

    I don't have a dog in this fight - never watched that series.

  6. BTW, Polanski was actually convicted, but ran before sentencing.


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