Monday, March 17, 2014

Fundies' Heads Go "Boom"

Last night on Cosmos, Neil deGrasse Tyson discussed evolution, beginning with how wolves evolved into dogs and how polar bears evolved from brown bears.

One of the favorite cases for the pseudo-argument for intelligent design is the human eye. Dr. Tyson dismantled that argument. He showed that the eye was optimized for seeing underwater and that the eyes of land-dwelling animals, including humans, are somewhat kludged-up to cope with the optical distortion that came with the transition to living in the atmosphere.

And this is running on Fox, mind you. Not PBS.


  1. I got wood almost from the first moments, when I knew exactly what he was doing, and how smart it was to start with dogs.

    Makes me wonder about that station that last week "accidentally" ran a promo over his one mention of evolution.

  2. Right. Because NOW facts are going to matter to them.
    It's all just microevolution, not evolution evolution, anyway.

  3. That episode wasn't for the parents. It was for the kids.

  4. Great, I need to record that! Thanks!

  5. They're going to go even more boom with today's announcement of the discovery of a ripple in the background microwave noise (I don't know the technical term for it) which is confirmation of an "elasticity" in velocity needed to explain the expansion of the universe between 10^-31 and 10^-32 seconds after the signature Bang.


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