Thursday, February 27, 2014

Take Away Barney Fife's Bullets, Please

Because they're now shooting senior citizens for the heinous crime of being disabled:
A police officer in South Carolina shot a 70-year-old motorist who was reaching for a cane during a traffic stop because he thought the man was grabbing a rifle from the bed of his pickup truck, investigators said. The man was expected to survive.
I suppose this could be good for a rant of how this shooting is Yet Another Example of How the Police Regard Themselves as an Occupying Army.

But let's take another tack and call ol' Barney into a classroom.

OK, Barney, let's do a bit of visual recognition training, shall we? Ready? There will be a test at the end.

This is a rifle:

This is a cane:

This is a rifle:

This is a cane:

This is a rifle:

This is a cane:

This is a rifle:

This is a cane:

Any questions, Barn'? If you pass the test, Sheriff Andy will consider giving you back your bullet. If you fail, the last cane pictured is yours to keep.


  1. Only the richest Americans will be safe until we disarm the cops.

  2. Did the Police Officer get home safely? That is all that matters, isn't it?

  3. Seems to be a fine line between Officer Safety and Officer Cowardice.

  4. What about the guy the cops shot in his bed with a 6 round burst? They tried to say he was threatening them in the hallway but the bullet holes in his mattress were a give away.
    Not safe to go out or stay home anymore?


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