Monday, February 17, 2014

Any Landing You Can Walk Away From

At Birmingham International in the UK:


  1. From the visible smoke on impact I'd say it's time for new tires.
    Must be pricey for a new set of airplane tires.

  2. I had a flight in to Portland one time that had a similar landing, not quite as crabbed as that but close. The guy SLAMMED that plane onto the runway.
    The overhead storage bin doors popped open when we hit and he bounced twice before he slammed on the brakes.
    The whole plane kept shuddering as the anti lock brakes did their thing.
    Scared the living shit out of everybody.

    I wasn't a big fan of flying before that and that just about cured me of any ideas about getting back on one unless absolutely necessary. That was before the TSA.

    When something breaks on one, you don't just pull over and open the hood, ya know?


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