Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Progress of the European Theater in WW2

WW2 in Europe, day by day, in seven minutes.

If you're one of those who think that D-Day was the big deal of the war, then watch how much territory exchanged hands in the East. You can see the pincers movement of the Soviet Armies in late 1942 that chocked off Stalingrad. And you can see how much winter fighting the Russians did. The Germans may have wanted to go into winter quarters each year, but the Russians weren't letting them do that.


  1. That is outstanding! And you are absolutely correct!!!

  2. Windows Paint.

    Good god.

  3. if almost any German except Hitler had been running that show they'd've won... even with him they damn near did.

  4. The Germans got deeper than that into the USSR on the central front -- right up to the edge of Moscow, in fact. Otherwise, a good dramatization.


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