Friday, January 24, 2014

"KIller Women" Guns & Continuity

I've been watching the "Killer Women" series on ABC. Because mostly I like Tricia Helfer. It's already been axed by ABC; they'll run three more episodes and then the show is over.

Anyway, in the third episode, Ranger Molly Parker (Helfer) pulled her .45 and went into a house (because, you know, fuck the 4th Amendment).

First she drew her gun:

As you can see, the hammer of her 1911 was down, which, as we all should know, meant the gun was less useful than a brick. When I watched it, I groaned.

Then she reached for the doorknob with her left hand. The camera angle jumped to the doorknob and then back to her hand, where, without any magical clicks from the Foley guys:

The hammer was at full-cock on her 1911, with the safety off.

I didn't notice the second bit until I went online to grab the first screenshot.

Anyway, this is how it goes: The networks should pay me big bucks to watch proposed shows for them. If I like a show (like "Killer Women" or "Prime Suspect"), it's probably going to flop. If I'm ambivalent about a show ("The Blacklist") or if I don't care for it ("Once Upon a Time"), well, buy more of that show because it's going to be a hit.


  1. I actually had crew from the TV series "Homeland" in my basic pistol class several years ago. I will give them that. I guarantee that if they have anything to do with it the 1911 will be cocked and locked in the holster.

  2. You should check out, if you haven't already.


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