Thursday, January 23, 2014

Bieber is Doing a "Full Lohan"

None of this comes as a surprise:
Justin Bieber was charged with drunken driving, resisting arrest and driving without a valid license after police saw the pop star street racing early Thursday morning, Miami Beach police said.

I imagine that, given the details in the police report, that most other drivers would have been shot for reaching into their pants when told not to.

The cops arrested the driver of the other car (also for DUI), but apparently didn't arrest the drivers of the SUVs that blocked traffic so those two little turdlets could do some street racing.

This punk-ass kid is traveling down the Lohan-Houston Highway. He's going to be in and out of a courtroom and rehab and jail until, five or ten years from now, his career will be all over. Then his name won't be in the papers again (other than arrest reports) until they find him dead in an alley or a cheap motel room from a drug overdose.


  1. Loved watching the video of the video hearing. The little turd still has no idea that any rules apply to him...and since he got to the front of the line, he might be right.

    Bonus notes, his father was reportedly in one of the SUV's and in the club where he was smoking pot.

  2. I read that there was a petition on the White House website to send him back to Canada and revoke his green card. Don't know how many signatures it has.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. I don't care if HE crashes and burns. I just do not want him to take anybody else with him.


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