Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Torture Doctors

Doctors, nurses and other health professionals actively participated in torturing people.

No, these weren't doctors working for Russia, China, Iran or the various South American juntas of the 1970s. These ere Americans.
Doctors, psychologists and other medical professionals participated in the U.S. government's controversial torture and interrogation programs following 9/11, according to a new joint report from a task force funded by the Institute of Medicine as a Profession and Open Society Foundations.
This is the amount of quibbling that the CIA engaged in:
Medical professionals were in effect told that their ethical mantra "first do no harm" did not apply, because they were not treating people who were ill.
It'd be nice to know who those torture doctors and shrinks were. I don't know as I'd feel comfortable going to see a doctor whose skill set includes deliberately causing pain.

But don't worry. We'll never clean up our own mess.

What we do have proof of is the saying "that can never happen here", which was popular after the stories became public of what the Germans did during the war, is absolute horseshit. Fucking-A right it can happen here. To some extent, it already has.

And we are showing as little interest in dealing with it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Apologies, I just blipped out an earlier version of this comment because it was infested with typos. Let me try again.

    I suspect the problem is, too many of us are having our outrage quotients swamped.

    I read the news in the morning and I don't know whom to get mad at first:

    The political klutzes and cyberklutzes, including the President of the United States, who through their ineptness are screwing up Obamacare before we even have it?

    Or the Republicans who are gloating because we Democrats, all on our own, have achieved a level of damage to Obamacare that the Republicans were unable to achieve despite several years of trying?

    Or the gasbags, filibusterers, prevaricators, liars, crooks, cheats, quislings,opportunists and hedge fund moguls who are sucking American civilization and the American economy dry? Or Assad? Or the people who hate Assad but who hate us just as much. Or...or...

    Sorry I have no room left to rage against the scumbags who use their medical education not to help sick people get well and stop feeling pain, but to make people feel pain. They are traitors – all of them– to the Hippocratic oath.

    Although, come to think of it, I wouldn't be terribly upset if the next Bradley/Chelsea Manning or Edward Snowden would kindly – oh please oh please! – turn the names of these so called medical professionals over to the Internet for the edification and focused opprobrium of the rest of us.

    Very crankily yours,
    The New York Crank

  3. There is that. There is so much to be outraged over. The banksters who have mostly gotten away scot-free after looting the country. A government which claims the right to aerially assassinate anyone who it feels like offing. Scumbag politicians that would rather spend money on prisons instead of schools. Fuckers like Roy Blount who want to cut food stamps while forcing the Navy to buy airplanes it doesn't need.

    There is just so much to be outraged about.


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